Wednesday, April 28, 2010

b. April 29, 1982

You might be wondering why I chose this particular picture for your first annual birthday bloggy post. That's an easy one! First of all, I heart it very very much because, well, it has YOU in it. Secondly, I think it perfectly captures elements of some of those things I love best about you.

Here are those things in a nice, tidy, and convenient list:
1. Your bravery. This picture was taken sometime during the 9 amazing months you spent in Africa, and while I may be moved to begrudge you that long time away from me, I'm so glad that you went and experienced something so fantastic. I know I will still be hearing new stories about those months for the years to come.
2. Your ingenuity! Finding a comfortable place to sleep when they were few to come by is no small feat, though I'm not sure HOW comfortable those accommodations were for you ;)
3. Your commitment to fashion, even under rough conditions. Isn't that the fancy watch Gerome got you?
4. Your love of music, and of the iPod, which has become an important tool of living to our generation. Some of my favourite memories of our friendship are when you've fitted one of your iPod earbuds into my ear, and the other into yours. Sharing something as everlasting and all-encompassing as music with you has been bliss.
5. Your adorable-ness. Hands-down, you're pretty much the cutest, something that is obvious to everyone - just look at you! Cutie-pie ;)
6. And lastly, your vulnerability. In this picture I see the sweet, soft, and childlike heart of you that I love so much, and that keeps me wishing that I could protect you from all the sad and heart-breaking things that you have, and will, encounter during your life.

There are dozens of other things I could list, other qualities you have in abundance that make you someone so close to my heart. But, you know I've already written all about them, in poems, notes, letters, emails, and Facebook comments. Oh yeah, and I've probably mentioned a few of them to you in person, too. There's no way you don't know that I love you, and that you're my best friend, and that you are someone who keeps me sane by keeping me laughing. But just because you already know those things doesn't mean I can't keep bringin' em up, and thanking you for them.

Thank you.

Oh, and happy birthday, Joshie.

Love Natalie

One more thing... you are so much better of a hugger now than you were when we first met. Can I take credit for that?